Before the high school football season even officially begins, tens of thousands of people will gather to see Benton and Bryant square off in the state’s largest rivalry game—the 2018 Salt Bowl.
This year, you can be part of the game as the Benton and Bryant School Districts join Goodwill in changing lives through education, training and employment. August 20–24, all schools in the districts will be collecting clothing and household items for Goodwill. You don’t have to be affiliated with the schools, or even live in Saline County, to be part of the competition. You’re encouraged to drop off your gently used items at a school of your choice during school hours. Here is what your donations will do:
Fund education, job training and employment services through Goodwill programs.
Create monetary prizes that will go back into the school districts.
Create scholarships for Saline County adults to earn their Certified Business Professional credential through the Academy at Goodwill, a private post-secondary career school.
The Salt Bowl will be held at War Memorial Stadium in Little Rock August 25. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. For a list of schools accepting donations and information on how Saline County residents can apply for the Certified Business professional scholarship, click here.