The Academy at Goodwill
Certified Logistics Technician
With its central location and comprehensive transportation infrastructure, it’s not surprising that Arkansas has a large and growing distribution and logistics services sector. Given this growth, The Academy at Goodwill will begin offering Certified Logistics Technician (CLT) credentials.
The Manufacturing Skill Standards Council (MSSC) is the industry focused organization that developed the CLT credential. CLT is a national, industry-led program that prepares individuals for front-line material handling and supply chain logistics jobs in fulfillment centers, warehouses, distribution centers, and factories. This online training program includes a stackable certification for employees with the 21st century, in-demand skills needed for long-term career paths.
This training utilizes a blended design that incorporates the flexibility of virtual learning and in-person, hands-on training so that students are fully engaged and develop their skills to their highest potential.
Are you interested in becoming a CLT? Fill out our interest form at GoodwillAR.org/interest.
Classes are not currently avilable for registration.
Payment options avilable soon.
$100.00Sale ended